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The Museum of Tarnowskie Góry was established in 1958 thanks to the initiative of the Society of the Friends of Tarnogórska Land. Initially, the following sections were created in the structure: history (linked to mining) and ethnography. Nowadays, it has an additional department of arts and education. The Museum collects the objects connected with the history and culture of Tarnowskie Góry and the county, taking into account wider background of the Polish culture. The number of exhibits counts to over 6,000 items. The Museum presents its own collections on permanent and temporary exhibitions. The most representative interior design is the Renaissance Hall with its gorgeous painted ceiling from 17th century together with the Renaissance furniture and courtly chests. The valuable collection of Western European paintings is especially worth paying attention. The paintings were collected by the priest - Michael Lewek. In the hall, there are held concerts, "Evenings under the Renaissance ceiling", conferences and museum lessons.
The museum is located on the floor of the 16th-century building, which was initially the seat of the district head of Bytom land. It hosted, among others, kings: John III Sobieski August II, August III and poets: Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz.
In 1805 this building was purchased by the Merchant - Johann Sedlaczek, who arranged the winery which is still located on the ground floor and cellars.
The most interesting collections include Western European paintings, masonic (goblets, badges, ceremonial aprons and sashes), art guild of 17th-19th century, memorabilia of The Shooting Brotherhood. The valuable items connected with John III Sobieski have been gathered into a separate exhibition which presents paintings, prints, medals, weapons from the time of King Sobieski, victory of Vienna, and the king descendants.
The Museum of Tarnowskie Góry has won several awards for its activities in the competition "The most interesting museum event of the year". What is more, in 1990 - for the interesting forms of work with children and disabled people; in 1995 - Second Prize for the exhibition "The image of a family in art" (together with the Archdiocese Museum in Katowice), in 2006 - First Prize for maintenance of the painting-"Portrait of a man dressed in a black gown with a lace collar." Moreover, the Museum also received a lot of distinctions such as in 1997 for the exhibition "Families of Tarnowskie Góry over the centuries", in 1998 for the permanent exhibition "From the history of Tarnowskie Góry"; in 2010 for the exhibition - "I call you in seven fires - the history and rites of the Jews Tarnowskie Góry." There has been also a special award - "Sybilla" for the publication of "The History of Tarnowskie Góry" in 2000.






Muzeum w Tarnowskich Górach, Rynek 1, 42-600 Tarnowskie Góry, pow. tarnogórski, woj. śląskie
tel.: 32 285 26 07, fax: 32 285 26 07
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